About IS Foundation

The IS Foundations introduction to the world started out as a wish for Ian Somerhalders' 32nd Birthday. He asked that if people truely wanted to give him a gift that they donate to his foundation so they can begin to make a difference and right the wrongs of this world. Ian's thousands of fans rallied to the cause and the support the Foundation is receiving from all over the world is amazing. His dedication and enthusiasm to this special cause has made so many people change their way of thinking about this world and how they live in it. He has made many of us want to be better more considerate people and our eyes have been opened to the plight of our planet and all it contains. Visit the foundations website and see how you can help this fantastic collection of selfless people to fulfill a dream of a better future.

Tuesday, March 22

Should all Cats and Dogs in the UK be Licensed and Neutered?

So after finding out that the RSPCA here in the UK doesn't have a No Kill Policy i started thinking about why and if things should be changed by the government. Most animal rescue shelters spend the majority of their money on the feeding and housing of the unwanted animals they care for and often have trouble finding homes for rescued and donated animals. There are thousands of shelters in the country and they can have up to thirty dogs and cats in their care at all times. Most of them have a neutering policy and a lot of them are No Kill shelters. They rely on public funding and donations to keep doing the good work they do but once a dog is re homed there will always be another ten waiting to take its' place in the shelter. If we made it a law to license your dog and cat and neuter it then there would be far less unwanted animals. Enforcing this would be hard but do-able. The RSPCA despite not having a no kill policy do excellent work around the country and their inspectors are respected for the work they do to prevent animal cruelty. They are probably the most recognised animal charity today. If the government stopped pushing money into stupid policies and resources and stopped paying the MPs ridiculous amounts of money to 'talk' and slap each others backs then they could fund the RSPCA to have inspectors dedicated to enforcing this law. Every place that sells animals should be licensed to do so. Only breeders should be allowed to sell animals and every breeder should be registered and have to prove that they are breeding animals with clean bloodlines and also that there is demand for them. It should be made against the law for members of the public to either sell or give away their pets. (I do understand that sometimes there are circumstances beyond the owners control such as illness or death) If every pet was neutered by law then the number of unwanted animals in this country could fall dramatically. This maybe an idealistic view on how to solve this problem and yes it would be far more complicated to set up and enforce than i have suggested but those charities out there who rescue, treat and rehabilitate abused animals should be free to do that work and not have to focus on housing and feeding unwanted animals because of some persons idiocy in letting their dog or cat breed unnecessarily.

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